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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Amazing facts about obesity

Amazing facts about obesity:
Do u know that the factor affecting obesity 13 factors first we will see what is obesity.

Obesity is excess about of glucose stored in our body as fat so when we do not need any more energy glucose stored in our fatty tissue as fat as it's a balance between calories consume and calories burned if u consume glucose >glucose burned so u got more fat.
1. Diet:
• When we eat high calories food and not do enough motion to burn it we got more fatty tissue.
• Examples: fast food, high protein food soft drink, candyes, high carbohydrate food.
• All food when not burned turned from glucose to glycogen these caused by insulin.
• So where these stored insulin promote the growth of fatty tissue to store glycogen in it causing weight gain.
• Simple carbohydrate such as (glucose, fructose, soft drink, wine)> complex carbohydrate such as (pasta, browin rice, grain, vegetable, raw fruits) in gaining weight as simple carbohydrate more rapidly absorbed into blood stream.

2. Physical activity:
• If u sedentary so u gain weight.
• If u`r active so u don't gain weight.
3. Qitting smoking:
• Nicotine in cigarette increase basal metabolic rate so increase food burn.
• So when u stops smoking nicotine decrease causing weight gain.
• Quitting smoking increase sensation to food as any smell good food u`ll want to eat.
4. Medication:
1. Corticosteroid
2. Tricyclic anti-depressant
3. High blood pressure drugs
4. Anti-psychotic
5. Diabetic dugs as insulin, sulfonylurea
6. Oral contraceptive
7. anti-convalasant as carabaimazepame
8. Anti-histaminic
5. Pregnancy
6. Diseases:
1. Hypothyroidism as thyroid hormone increase basal metabolic rate so decrease of thyroid hormone decrease basal metabolic rate causing weight gain.
2. Cushing syndrome as it's excess amount of cortical hormone which cause weight gain
3. arthritis
7. Lack of sleep:
• Body function is best when rested.
• When not getting enough rest by sleeping well so physical and biochemical of our body stressed.
• Stress makes us eat food to get better and go to sleep especially late night snaking.
• When we're stressed we look like having fatigue, low energy, irritable, nodding of easily.
• Treatment to get raid or this horrible stress is regular exercise.
8. Depression:
• Depression cause release of many neurotransmitter from our brain such as cortical, leptin, adrenaline these causing obesity in abdominal region.
• As many people go to food to get raid of stress I'll explain why as high carbohydrate food increase secretion of serotonin hormone from brain when give calming effect.
• I'll tell u a very cool way to get raid of stress I try it its worked for me regular exercises it's awesome to get raid of stress.
· Aging cause
i.Slow metabolism
ii.Increase hunger
iii.Poor sleep
·As estrogen decrease ~ shape change as loss hip + thing weight ~BECOME MORE LIKE MEN
·Treatment = increase lean body mass + increase regular physical exercise

10)Genetics :
·Genes affect on hormones involved in fat regulation.
·Leptin = produced in fat cell and placenta + control weight which signal brain to eat less when body fat are tooooo high.
·If no leptin ~ no signal to brain ~control lost ~obesity occur.
11)Frequency of eating:
·Over weight people eat less than normal
·People who eat small meals 4 or 5 times/day ~ have low cholesterol level + stable blood glucose level as small meals produce stable insulin level but 2 large meals/day cause large spikes of insulin after meals .
13)Child hood over weight
14)Slow metabolism:
Women`ve less muscle than men
·Muscle burn more calories than any other tissue As women have low metabolic than men ~ women gain weight faster than men

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